Saturday, February 01, 2003

Of Mice and Men
The best laid plans oft go awry. What is it about shock and horror that causes the hand-flying-to-cover-the-mouth reaction? For some of us anyway. I remember walking around most of 9-11 like that. It happened this morning with the announcement that the Columbia was missing and suspected to be broken up, all crew members lost. I drove to work like that, the hand over the mouth. Am I trying to hold something in? Keep something out?

Thank God it wasn't an act of terrorism. I don't doubt that if it were, we'd be marching into Iraq tomorrow.

Instead of shelving and thinking, I dicked around and read bits of some of the disinformation books. Such incredibly weird stuff. It must be such a burden to really truly believe that the world is flat and that reptoids have infiltrated the highest levels of government. And to know that terrible things are about to happen, but nobody believes you. I can't imagine living with the weight of that.

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