Tuesday, October 19, 2004

En-pea ARRR!!

Am I just the sort of dork who secretly enjoys a good autumn Public Radio fund drive? Why yes...yes I am!
I can't decide if it's the fact that I'd rather hear people begging for money than about politics (quite possible--in fact, probable) or if it's the thrill of meeting the new member challenge for the half hour. Maybe both.

I realized the extent of my dorkiness while I was driving home and found that I'd left the radio tuned to the fundraiser ALL THE WAY HOME. And it's been like that all so far this week. I've been listening to the various hosts and assessing their tactics - I found that the phones rang more for the people who sounded like they were smiling, who didn't apply guilt, and who brought to bear little personal stories that apparently did the trick. C.N. and T. M. are leading the crew for over-all skill with smooth flow and managing to work the phone number 888-258-9866 (oh god. I know it by heart.) into three sentences of dialogue 47 times without sounding awkward or stilted.

I haven't heard her so far this year, but T.C. automatically LOSES if she's been trying to raise funds this year. I heard her last year and it was a disaster. I can barely keep the station on her self-satisfied, snotty nosed voice for more than a few seconds when she's announcing news, let alone when she's personally asking me for money but somehow manages to come off as supercilious and lofty at the same time. I swear she sounds like a parody of someone exceedingly proud that one of my sisters does. ("Hmm HMMM? with upturned nose and bored, half closed eyes, as if you weren't worth the effort to LOOK at.) Last year T.C. and C.N. were on duty together and C pointed out that support could cost as little as a chocolate bar or a capaccino a week (smooth--good move. The phones ring.) Then T cuts in proudly, talking directly through her nose as usual..."Udless you're me, and you eat BELGIAN IMPORTED Chocolate...thed it's a little bid moore expedsive..." Long pause. Phones stop ringing.


More blog to come, only this will be about the outrageous head-exploding cuteness and crack-like addictiveness of Katamari Damacy. In the mean time: http://katamaridamacy.jp/ (ENG!)

Top Security

Am I the only one who finds this amusing?

It's lasted over a week now, but I expect that any day I'll order my dinner from a misty-eyed BK clerk who will explain of the silent and devastated staff, "Someone stole it. They stole our promo sign. After we put a lock on it an everything."

Monday, October 11, 2004

Rest in Peace, Man of Steel

I was sad to hear Christopher Reeve died.