Thursday, May 22, 2008

It's been ridiculously gorgeous out lately--sunny and around 60 degrees. Now I realize that a lot of people don't count 60 as being gorgeous (Fools, I tell you!), but I'd be content is this lasted all summer long.

We had a bit of an outing today with Tif's dogs in attendance--through the railroad tunnel, down to the community garden and along the river a bit. Things we saw:

I think this field is planted with winter wheat. It's very green and very pretty. Back by the river is a whole field of wild shallots with mulberry trees bordering it. Hmm... for some reason, I think I'll be going back with a basket later in the summer.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Add one to the pile...

Having folk from out of town visiting got me in the frame of mind to explore Cincinnati once again. It was a busy winter, and we'd stopped going on adventures as often as we were. It was downright lovely to explore with some of my sisters and their tiny ones this week. (Thanks so much for the visit, you guys!)

Here's a nifty blog someone did that not only gives some fun ideas of interesting things and places in Cincinnati, it has beautiful photography as well. It just recently stopped updating, but the archives are well worth sifting through.