Monday, May 01, 2006

Mayhaps and Mishaps

It's May, and I'm entirely thrilled that I put in the effort of planting about 15 million bulbs last fall, because several of them have actually come up, and are making things beautiful around here. We've done the requisite lawn seeding and fertilizing that proves we're grown-up homeowners (though...what does that make us all the years we didn't seed or fertilize?) and the lawn is feebly attempting to comply.

It's been a good Spring. Things are growing, I've been creating little things via sewing machine, crocheting, felting, etc. (which always makes me happy), and I've reconnected with several dear folk from my past over the last little while.

But about that "spring cleaning" thing... er. I guess so.

1 comment:

kolinko said...

oooh! I'd love to see all your pretty flowers and other craftiness. Barb and I were chatting about how you could make anything out of any ol' thing. She recalled a kite made out of a garbage bag and dental floss. :) As always, you're amazing!