Thursday, March 22, 2007

Spring Has Sprung

At least temporarily. This is Michigan, after all, which means tomorrow we could be snowed in, with an inch of ice covering everything.

But today, ahh--- it's sunny and mild outside. Not warm, persay, but not chilly at all. Tepid, perhaps. I did the first walkabout of the season and noted with satisfaction that various perennials are being particularly ambitious this year. Because it is Michigan, I raked some leaves over them to protect them from the frost and such. I think they're coming along just fine though.

Once we get both feet into the "trying to sell the house" pool, it'll probably be easier with the gardens blooming.

Meanwhile, we're making trips back and forth between the OH and here, and I'm getting to know it a bit better. I do like Cin-city, even if most of my time down there right now is trapped in a tiny, crusty apartment. At least The Boy and I get to spend quality time together, which is rare. That is a good thing.

Interestingly, we've already met some neat folk who live right near where we'll be moving, thanks to the wonders of nerdy technology. Yeees, I admit it. We've been playing World of Warcraft. It's really nice to at least virtually get together with The Boy while we're separated during the week. No, we are not letting our real lives go down the toilet so we can huddle in front of our monitors. I am surprised just how good the game is, though. There's a huge, huge variety of ways to go about playing it, and though The Boy and I play completely differently, we both enjoy it lots.

Annnyway, back to less (or at least a different?) nerdy pursuits. I started our taxes the other day, and was pleasantly surprised to find we'll be getting money back this year. Woot! I haven't done our state taxes yet, which may turn out to be a little complicated, since Boy has worked part of a year in another state... ah well. Either way, we should get a refund, which will be welcomed with open arms and bank account.


victor said...

Spring IS finally here, and here to say, I tell you! No more snow. Forever!

Anonymous said...

I'm so happy the weather is starting to behave. It's about time.

Jane said...

I know! It's lovely here! Definitely spring weather. But isn't it just the tragedy of life on earth that we connect springtime with taxes? Sigh. I need to get started on those really soon.