Monday, February 18, 2008

I need a tripod. Stat!

I've been poking at some of the multiple exposure photos I took in the Autumn with the intention of making HDR pictures from them. I did a few then, but I finally got around to compiling more the other day, so here are a couple. There are a few schools of thought re: HDR photos. Some people see them as a way to create hyper-realistic images, and scorn those that are a bit over the top, some people figure if they're doing a type of digital photo manipulation anyway, they may was well go crazy with the curves and levels, and some people (like me) especially like images that are just on the edge of realistic and fantastical. Some of the uber-crazy images, though fun to look at, are just a bit over the top, though I do really like things that look like they just might be from another world that's reeeeally similar to ours.

Another thing this reminded me of is the fact that I need to find a tripod of some sort--it was a challenge, balancing the camera on various things to try to get the identical picture multiple times. I've tried using the same photo, and changing the exposures in Photoshop, but it never gives quite the effect I wanted.

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