The "making things out of the same things" kick was first inspired by this vaguely creepy site wherein a lady takes the leftover fur from client's pet groomings, and spin it into yarn. How quirky would it be to make a dog a sweater out of its own fur? That's the sort of thing I'm talking about.
With the bundles of fur gleaned from the cats when warm weather finally hit, I hand-spun about 6 feet of yarn, which I fashioned into another, smaller cat for them to play with. They had a weird fascination with it, like a toddler looking at pictures of themselves--not quite sure what it is, but it's so familiar.... they adored playing with their little offspring so much that it got destroyed before I thought take a picture.
Then last month I stumbled over this instructable, which was the perfect realization of the "making things out of the same things" idea, only more sensible and less involving cat hair (which is always a plus). Instead, it involves using all those plastic grocery bags most of us have stowed away someplace and creating a sturdy, reusable grocery bag out of them.
I was lucky enough to have sisters in town at the time I decided to go about rolling and cutting up bags to make the "yarn" for the project, and Em helped by making neat plastic circles. No matter how I've tried since then, mine are ragged and wonky in comparison. :(
Ah well. In any case, here's the progress on the bag. It's not all that lovely, admittedly, but I think it'll be a handy thing, and though our community has a vigorous plastic bag recycling program, it's nice to repurpose them permanently instead.
I'm also entertained that everyone who's come to visit lately has bestowed upon me a bag or two. In the last picture, you can see the strata of various places. There are darker bags from Ohio Kroger, a line of white from a random Hillers bag I'd saved from Michigan, and then the lighter yellow of Michigan Krogers.
I also have some Target bags I'm looking forward to using on a separate bag. I think a red and white bag would be much easier on the eyes than this one.
I'll post more as the bag evolves. I'm (supposedly) crocheting it, but I'm an awful crocheter, and I don't work on it as often as I ought to.
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