Other (not really that momentous) events:
We now have a second car, so exploring a wider area of the city during the day is possible. Thrills! I'd like to do some camera excursions in order to take photos with which to play with HDR and fake tilt-shift photography. I will not let the ridiculously awesome examples of these things I've seen online make me throw up my hands and read a book instead.
Holy cripes! I went to the dentist today. For the first time in...well, a shamefully long time (as in, years). Thankfully, (and somewhat shockingly) there was absolutely nothing wrong with my teeth a little plaque removal didn't fix.
Speaking of teef, this is a sweet little comic I linked from Facebook a little while ago. I really wish I knew where the little ceramic figurines came from. I know they're vintage, but I had no luck finding out about them online.
Speaking of Facebook, that's where I've mostly been in the past while. Because of my lack of time, bite (or byte--haw haw) sized updates are what work best right now. The ability to pop online, check on what people are up to, dash through a sentence-sized updated and be off... is a good thing at the moment.
Projects currently on the go:
I found a shirt I particularly liked the cut of, except that that fabric was super-cheap and kept getting holes in it. So I dissected the shirt, made a pattern from it, and have been working on modifying it to make new shirts. It's actually pretty simple, but I'm sure I'll manage to screw it up somehow. I've done one new shirt so far. It turned out okay for a first attempt, and I see what I need to change next time around. At $1.25 / yd, it's not very costly to make a mistake.
I've also gotten some t-shirts and fabric paint and will be doing some shirt illustrating. Hopefully there'll be something decent enough to post a picture of.
Miniatures: The Boy bought a bunch of tiny Eldar Army figurines which need to be assembled and painted. Since he would like the stategy-gaming with them, and I would like the painting better, guess who's doing what?
Homemade flaxseed hair gel: I know this sounds kind of awful. I was talking to a sister today about exactly what chemicals we dump onto our scalps, and after consulting the Internets, I figured I'd try making something a little more simple. If you've ever eaten a plain Flaxseed, you've probably noticed they're a little ...slippery is a good way to describe them, I guess. It's very slightly tacky, and has a very slight oiliness to it. Mostly, it's just slick. It shares the same properties as silicone, which is in a lot of the styling products I use for curly or frizzy hair.
When boiled, Flaxseed (or Linseed in England) emits a substance that thickens the liquid and makes it usable as a de-frizzing gel. You can cook it to the right consistency, strain the actual seeds out, cool it down, and add essential oils for a nice smell. The flax seeds are re-boilable as well. You can keep them in the fridge and boil them three of four times before they "stop working." If you leave it cooking on the stove, it practically turns into a firm jello, I hear. (Off-topic--I wonder if that would be a tasty base for vegan jello rather than animal based gelatin? ) I picked up some seeds tonight, and I'll be boiling them down tomorrow. I'll try to do picture documentation, and I'll relate my findings.
And now...bed, bed, bed.
REPENT! Purge the Heretic! So say the Dark Angels.
But, but, but... they looked fun to *paint.*
And honestly, that was about the only reason. Heh!
They are pretty. And they are neat.
And they are a threat to the stability of the Imperium (which is what Andrea plays exclusively ;).
Make sure you know what sort of weapons you want them equipped with before you start assembling them. It's sad if you get them all put together and they all have the wrong guns (trust me, it happens!).
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