Friday, February 17, 2006

Tom vs. Oprah Smashup!

I'm not usually one to even pretend that the silly, silly lives of celebrities have any bearing on reality whatsoever, but I'm deriving much amusement from Tom Cruise this past year. The timeline goes something like this:

1. Tom and Katie hook up. (Why Katie, why?)
2. Tom goes batshit, declares himself a psychology expert and accuses various people of being "glib." (This is a performance of the script of the interview word for word.)
3. Tom goes on Oprah in the now famous couch jumping interview.
4. Clever nerds transform the video into one of Tom killing Oprah with his mind. It works quite well.
5. More insanity from Tom (ha...microphones that squirt water. ha...)
6. Oprah has James Frey back on her show to scold him after finding out his "biography" is fiction
7. posts rumor of a Tom/Katie breakup. Farkers post amusing comments regarding it.
8. Tom Cruise has hissy fit and stomps feet. Shouts, "Glib! Glib!"
9. Clever nerds make a smashup video for Best Week Ever with pieces of Oprah's show from the jump the couch episode and the James Frey reprimand. The world smirks and waits for Tom to react.

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