Sunday, April 02, 2006

Spring Cleaning

Well, I just spent a chunk of time organizing maybe a quarter of my quadrillion bookmarks, and in celebration of that, I added a few things to the links section. Over there -->
You will find that there are several sections now, including (but not limited to):
  • Some of the many blogs I enjoy stopping in at regularly. Some of these people are friends in real life, some of them I know virtually, and a few I just read anonymously.
  • Craft and art links. These are places I go to get ideas and inspiration, and sometimes just to stare at other peoples' amazing stuff. I stuck my Flickr link in there because it's sometimes sort of crafty, and there are links on it to a lot of really interesting people's photos. Flickr is a great place to browse around, and a nice community to be a part of.
  • I added some of a gazillion comics I have bookmarked. These are some of the ones I check most often. I will probably add others in the future, or perhaps add a Dead Comics section. There are some really worthy comics out there that have either finished their storylines, or been abandoned (poor things). They still deserve a read.
  • The music links I am going to try to rotate on a semi-sorta-occasionally regular basis. I've added some more general links, and also a few links to some friends and aquaintences who make lovely sounds that ought to be heard.
  • The various and sundry section is mostly composed of nerrrrrrdy links that also happen to be very interesting and entertaining. Many of them are blog-style sites (updated daily or weekly) so should you enjoy them, you must check back again and again! Hmm. I just noticed that Exploding Dog is in this section, and it probably ought to be with comics, but I'm blatently going to leave it there for now.

Boy is playing a Star Wars game on his computer, which means that it sounds as though there's a lightsaber fight going on right behind me. There is grunting and exclaiming, and the occasional Rodian voice yelling, "Doba mei E'kusha!" Whatever, Greedo. Whatever.

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